Just an update on our Open Matches. We will be doing a rolling draw from 9am, enabling anglers to pay their match fee, take their draw and disperse to their peg, thus eliminating congregation around the Cafe area. You must book in prior to the matches (please see details below) or there will not be a peg for you.
The Open Matches are as follows:-
Wednesday 23rd September - Island
Thursday 24th September - Boundary
Saturday 26th September - Island, Middle & Ash
Wednesday 30th September - Windmill
Thursday 1st October - Windmill
Saturday 3rd October - Middle & Boundary
Sunday 4th October- Island, Boundary & Ash
Please book in with Wendy on 01386 870039 or email wendybyrd@btconnect.com or ring David on 07947485620 as places will be limited.
We will not be running Open Matches on Wednesday 7th or Thursday 8th October as we will be running our Annual Festival, which was postponed from May, from 5th to 9th October inclusive.